Scott Picken, CEO of International Property Solutions (IPS) believes a paradigm shift is occurring: 8 years ago, people would only invest in property in their own neighbourhood. Now, investors are starting to seek the best investments globally. IPS was created 5 years ago to facilitate international investments and provide an end-to-end solution to ensure that investors can invest with confidence!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How to use a Webinar? Login, etc

Scott Picken, IPS CEO, explains how to login into a Webinar and how to use them. Webinars are the way of the future for information dissemination. He takes you through the process of logging in for the first time, downloading the software and using the seminars.

It is a simple process, and there are three ways to learn how.

1) Look at the instructions below.
2) Read the Downloadable Document which takes you the process - step by step -
3) Watch a movie - running you through the process live.

To watch in You Tube -

Instructions on how to do it:

1) Receive the email.
2) Click on the date which suits you.
3) Fill in your details.
4) You will receive a confirmation page and also a confirmation email (there is a section you can download to event to outlook).
5) At the time of the event, click on the link which is sent to you. (Try and make sure it is 10 min before the starting time)
6) Wait why your computer downloads the software. If the computer asks for your permission to download the software - agree to it. This can take 5 to 10 minutes, depending on your download speed.
7) The software will automatically link you in. You are ready to be part of the Webinar.

Enjoy access to one of the world’s best information sources!

Go to to find out about all the latest Webinars!

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Zig Ziglars